Saturday, April 13, 2013

Technology Integration Matrix

It is very tough to put myself into a spot on the Technology Integration Matrix.  I feel like depending on the project or what I'm doing I could fall into one of a few areas.  It's not like I fit in one box and never any others.  If I were to choose the boxes I feel most comfortable in, I would say I fall under authentic under the characteristics of the learning environment.  Adaptation is where I feel my curriculum fits the best.  I don't think my teaching or approach to my curriculum will change much by the end of the school year.  Growth requires time and dedication.  Many teachers need to see something working with students to be encouraged to put the time and dedication into learning new skills.  I know that's what has happened for me each time I begin to use a piece of technology in the classroom. 


  1. I agree... My level would fluctuate on what I was doing. When I created big, long-term authentic projects, it was easier, but if we were doing something that wasn't necessarily connected to anything else, it was much harder to pin where I was.

  2. Right! I feel like I am constantly in flux!
